Welcome to Linden Lodge Charitable Trust

Photos by Richard Lewisohn
Linden Lodge School is a day and residential school in Wimbledon educating pupils who are visually impaired, including those who are multi-disabled visually impaired, deaf-blind and have more profound learning difficulties and complex health needs.
Linden Lodge Charitable Trust is a registered charity formed to enhance the lives of pupils by funding extras such as music lessons and instruments, drama sessions, horse riding and residential trips. LLCT has also raised funds for larger projects including the wheelchair access adventure playground, wheelchair access mini-buses, the sensory garden, hydrotherapy pool, library and learning resources centre, family centre and two Innowalkers which help individuals who are unable to walk, or who require a lot of support to do so, experience the power of movement.
LLCT has also funded a variety of assistive technologies which can truly transform lives, open doors and remove countless barriers, helping all pupils to access communication and learning.
Watch the BBC documentary Harvey and Me about the issues Katie Price and her family face now that her son Harvey a Linden Lodge pupil has reached adulthood and needs to move on to the next chapter in his life.
There is also an article in The Times about Harvey and his planned move into post-18 residential care.
“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.”
Helen Keller